Adjoining Owner Information
Have you received a Party Wall Notice?
If you are an adjoining owner and you receive a notice under the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, you will have 14 days to carefully consider how to proceed and safeguard your property or interests. If you do not respond within that period, a further 10-day notice will be served requesting that you do.
You have three options:
Consent to notice
If you, as the adjoining owner, are satisfied that there will be no damage or consequences to your property, then you may consent to the notice and the building owner will be able to proceed with the proposed work without an award.
Dissent to the Notice and Appoint Your Own Surveyor
You have the legal right to appoint your own surveyor to act for you and they will liaise with the building owner’s surveyor.
Dissent to the Notice and Concur with the Appoint of an Agreed Surveyor
You have the legal right to appoint a single surveyor to act for both the building owner and the adjoining owner. They must act impartially to draw up an award.

Can I appoint my own surveyor if the building owner hasn't served notice on me?
Yes, you have the legal right to appoint your own surveyor or agree to have the same surveyor (agreed surveyor). This must be done prior to work starting. In most cases, the cost of the surveyors is the responsibility of the building owner.
If you are unclear on your rights, please phone us. We’ll be more than happy to explain things.
Call 07779 176375
Free party wall advice
In an effort to assist customers in understanding Party Wall Awards, we offer free party wall advice. At Encompass Surveyors, we know that party wall matters can often be complicated and confusing.
If you have party wall questions and would like to discuss them with us, we offer 20 minutes free of charge. This is an impartial service with no strings attached, so give us a call now to discuss your concerns.
Alternatively, fill in our 'Request a Callback' form and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible.